Not that this graph has anything meaningful, but it was easy to create using Follow along and I’ll show you have to create this on you Jekyll Blogs. You can also view a good tutorial by Emma Tosch.

Step to Add Javascript on Github Pages

Create a subdirectory

mkdir -p _includes/graphs

Create the following _includes/graphs/dag_default.js, but don’t include any script tags.

Edit _includes/head.html

You can view the full file _includes/head.html but below are my changes.

Modify _layout/post.html

Note this needs to go near the bottom of the _layout/post.html

Creating Pages

Here’s a sample header on my markdown page

layout: post
title:  "Adding Javascript "
date:   2016-12-22 16:32:39 -0400
- graphs/dag_default.js
categories: Javascript


If you get stuck, checkout the source repository